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20+ Big Media Consumption Questions We Can Now Answer

We ask 20 huge media consumption questions that will help define your marketing strategy; and of course we have the answers to them too.

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According to Marketing Week, marketers in the UK had a media spend of £21.4bn in 2016, up 3.9% year on year, with almost all of that growth being ploughed into digital channels.

Yet P&G’s CMO, Mark Pritchard, set off a fire storm at the start of 2017 by declaring the world of online media buying “murky at best, and fraudulent at worst.” Given P&G spent $7.2 billion in advertising alone in 2016 (globally), his is a viewpoint everyone needs to listen to.

But how can brands get a better handle on where to spend their money to reach the audiences they want to engage with? How can you match your marketing budget to media habits and stop wasting money? Is digital always the answer?

It all starts with robust insights.

That’s why we’ve taken the liberty of asking the big quesitons, and getting the answers to them. They’re all published for free in our Q3 Media Consumption report, which takes a detailed look at the habits of a nationally representative sample of 1000 UK consumers. 

What kind of questions will it answer? Here are 20+ to get you started…

  1. How much TV are people still watching? And which audiences are the biggest consumers of live TV?
  2. What types of programmes are most popular? And for which audiences?
  3. Is streaming TV cannibalising traditional TV?
  4. How do streaming TV and live TV audiences differ?
  5. Which streaming services are most popular amongst which audiences?
  6. Which social media apps are most heavily used while watching TV? And by who?
  7. Who reads newspapers these days? And which ones?
  8. Do Gen Z present a future for traditional newspapers?
  9. What websites are top of mind for the UK?
  10. How prevalent are ad blockers and who uses them most heavily?
  11. Which media/apps/websites are being used this year that weren’t last year?
  12. Which entertainment services are people most likely to quit?
  13. How do consumers find products when they want to purchase them online?
  14. What podcasts are most popular amongst different audiences?
  15. What magazines most popular amongst different audiences?
  16. What commercial radio stations are most popular amongst different audiences?
  17. How do Millennial media consumption habits differ to Gen Z or Boomers?
  18. How does London consume news and entertainments versus the rest of the UK?
  19. If you want to reach higher earning female audiences aged 30-50 that own pets, what’s the best media mix to use?
  20. What’s the real profile of a Guardian reader versus a Daily Mail reader? And how do their other media habits differ?

By downloading the free 41-page media consumption report, you’ll also gain access to the original data set and analytics dashboard that we used to write the report, so you can ask these very specific questions and get the answers your business needs.

You can simply click on any demographic filters that match your customer profiles, providing you with a customised understanding of the media habits for your specific target audience.

View the report and access the download now.


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Our in-house marketing team is always scouring the market for the next big thing. This piece has been lovingly crafted by one of our team members. Attest's platform makes gathering consumer data as simple and actionable as possible.

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